Elokuvassa oli pitkä liuta lahjakkaita ja kuuluisia suomalaisia näyttelijöitä, mikä nostatti odotuksia elokuvasta. Tarinankerronan kannalta elokuva oli kuitenkin aika köyhä eikä nimekkäästä näyttelijakaartista otettu tai saatu irti sitä potenttiaalia, joka heillä olisi ollut. Elokuvan alun humoristiset kohtaukset ja kommellukset eivät tue tarinaa ja elokuvan loppupuolen tarinan eteneminen on tylsää katsottavaa. Hämmentävintä koko elokuvassa oli Vesa-Matti Loirin ja Peter Franzénin yhteinen suihkukohtaus.
On Saturday I went to the movies to see a new Finnish movie "Tie Pohjoiseen" (Road to the North) which was directed by Mika Kaurismäki. The movie tells about a piano player called Timo (Samuli Edelman) whos going through a break up. One day his long lost dad (Vesa-Matti Loiri) shows up at his door after being absent for 35 years.
The movie has a lot of talented and famous Finnish actersses and actors which got my hopes up that this will be awesome movie. Truth is that the story was kinda poor and even the talented actors couldn't save it. The beginning of the movie was full of funny scenes but they didn't really support the plot and the second half of the movie was about the story but it was boring to watch. The weirdest scene in that movie was a shower scene between Vesa-Matti Loiri and Peter Franzén.
Thanks for diving into Finnish movie waters! :) I wouldn't know about this movie otherwise... ;)
VastaaPoistaI would love to know what you think of that movie. ;)