
perjantai 6. heinäkuuta 2012

Työpäivän piristys

Selailin toimistolla käsikirjaston kirjoja ja repesin kun sain käsiini kyseisen kirjan.. Jos joku ei nyt ymmärtänyt kirjan otsikkoa kaksimielisesi niin never mind!

For my non-Finnish friends I have to sadly tell that my awesome joke (as you might know my jokes are usually always awesome) will not open to you with google translater. And you know what happens to a joke when you have to explane it but here I go anyways! :D Today I was going through some books in the library at the office where I work and I found a book that was titeld "Not getting any anymore" (it's not a direct translation, but you got the point). Of course the book wasn't about what the translation sounds but I have a talent of noticing the double meenings. And if you still didn't get it.. well never mind. :D

3 kommenttia:

  1. Hooray for non-finnish friends! :) Hope it's not the last post in english. Well, my initial joy was slightly diminished by the fact, that I do not get it...:/ When a joke gets translated, it loses it's power and when it is explained, it's ruined totally. Nevertheless, could you pls explain it (and ruin it totally)? :) At least try to...cos I don't get the double meaning...and I do mind...! :)

    1. The joke was lost in a translation. :)And the joke wasn't really that good so don't feel bad about it.. it only shows that my mind is a little bit twisted.

      The book title is about people not getting their claims anymore (in a legal way) but the first thing that bobed in my little head was people not getting any pysical contact with opposite sex anymore. (So the joke was that the title could be understood in 2 totally different way). If the joke was bad from the beginning, explaning it will only make it worse! :D

      I promise that this will not be my last post in english. But I think this was my last public joke in any language! :D

    2. Hey, we tell jokes to make people laugh. With good jokes, we make people laugh immediately, with "bad" ones, the laugh comes later in the explanation process, either because we laugh at ourselfs that we didn't get it for the first time or we laugh simply because we realized how silly that joke really was. I still don't know for what reason I'm laughing now :), but considering that this post was tagged with the word humor, I think you've totally succeded! :D Love your twisted mind!!! :)
