
lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

VR asemakuvakisa

VR järjesti kuvakilpailun (edelleen käynnissä), jossa pyydettiin kuvaamaan rautatieasemia. Asemien kuvaaminen ei tässä synkässä syksyssä ole kovinkaan houkutteleva projekti, mutta päädyin kuitenkin kokeilemaan ja osallistumaan kuvakilpailuun. Lisäsin yhen alla olevista kuvista Flickr palvelimeen ja kilpailuun (käy tsekkaan kilpailu KLIK). En saanut kuviin, mitään jujua eli niistä tuli "ihan kivoja". Jos sää on hyvä, yritän ehkä uudellelleen ennen kuin kilpailu loppuu lokakuun loppuun. Jos ei, niin olenpahan ainakin osallistunut.

VR Railway station picture competition

VR ( the Finnish railway company ) arranged a photographing competition (which is still going on) where they asked amateur photographers to take picture of a railway stations in Finland. Since the Finnish autumn is really dark and rainy the competition wasn't the easiest for me (everything looks nicer with nice weather) but I decided to try anyway. I added one of the pictures above to the competition (check the other pictures here). I didn't get any "catch" in the pictures which makes them only "okey". If the weather is good I'll try again and if not.. well at least I tried.

2 kommenttia:

  1. To participate is sometimes more important than to win, cos you always learn something new. It's a nice picture, but it seems to me, that it was taken from the eye-level. Try to take photos from different positions as well, like from the ground or from above, you might get interesting results and completely new perspective on things. This way ordinary things like railway station may become magical things...:)

    1. Thanks for the tip mate. :) You are right, it's more important to participate at least for me since I'm still practising.
